What is Food Truck?
Our Food Truck (mobile food pantry) goes to where the greatest need is (mostly around local food deserts) and helps families put food on their table. For many, this is just enough to get them through the month, or provides them the extra money they need to keep their lights on. A Food Desert is an area that has limited access to affordable and nutritious food. Over 53k people struggle with food insecurity in Knox County alone. In fact, you can click here to use the USDA Food Access Research Atlas to see those deserts that are close to you!
Food Access Research Atlas <- Click here!
In this ministry, we not only address the issue of food/nutritional insecurity, but we also help keep fragile families from sliding into homelessness. By partnering with local churches who facilitate our Food Truck outreach, we discover deeper needs and offer eternal answers to those who need it most. We believe relationships are built through consistency and care.
For all those who attend, Food Truck is free. No questions asked. We do not require ID, but once you arrive, you will have to sign in.
We have ten different locations to choose from, so please take advantage of the location near you! You can find this information on the "Find the Food Truck?" web page. We ask that families only attend one site a week.