Your mission, should you choose to accept it...
Is to make 280 teachers smile this 2023 school year!
Most Title-One school teachers have to purchase their own supplies for their classroom, so the Knoxville Dream Center holds a supply drive to help kick-start their school year! This year, we are collecting donations for the five most requested supplies: Ticonderoga #2 Pencils, Flair Pens, PostIt Notes, Expo Markers, Highlighters, Kleenex, and some other gifts and supplies! We are looking for 280 people to donate $20 or more to make the beginning of the 2023 school year a fantastic one! Please click on the button below to put some smiles on teachers' faces!
*Please designate your gift to "Make a Teacher Smile 2023"*
*Please designate your gift to "Make a Teacher Smile 2023"*